
143 documenten

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  1. Multiannual Programme for 2025 2028

    Publication | 21-01-2025

  2. Summary Advisory report on the amendment to the Regulations on the requirements for accommodation space in penitentiary institutions

    Publication | 08-01-2025

  3. Summary Advisory report on a proposed amendment to the Regulations on Model House Rules tabled by member Ellian to ban De Vrije Zielen

    Publication | 05-12-2024

  4. Advisory Programme 2025

    The Advisory Division of the Council for the Administration of Criminal Justice and Protection of Juveniles (referred to below as ...

    Publication | 15-11-2024

  5. Summary Advisory report amending Temporary Leave from Institution Regulations (TVI Regulations) and Detainee Selection, Placement and Transfer Regulations (SPOG Regulations) in connection with the outcomes of the implementation assessment of the Sanctions and Protection Act

    Publication | 12-11-2024

  6. Summary Advisory report on child safety risks in complex (ex-)partner relationships

    Publication | 25-09-2024

  7. Summary Advisory report 'Bringing the outside world in'

    Publication | 20-06-2024

  8. Summary Advisory report ’Restrictive measures in open residential youth care? Context and guidance for the future'

    Publication | 13-11-2023

  9. Summary Advisory report on the amendment relating to the proposed amendment of the Repatriation and Detention of Foreign Nationals Act (Wet terugkeer en vreemdelingenbewaring)

    Publication | 12-09-2023

  10. Summary Advice on the format of life sentences up until the moment of reassessment

    Publication | 23-06-2023