
143 documenten

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  1. Summary Advisory report: Foreign nationals in young offenders institutions

    Publication | 23-01-2023

  2. Summary Advisory report: An ageing prison population

    Publication | 20-12-2022

  3. Advisory report on the future of intercountry adoption (for the purposes of country selection)

    Publication | 02-11-2022

  4. Summary advisory report Life imprisonment revisited

    Publication | 16-06-2022

  5. Summary advisory report on the use of disciplinary punishments and separation in detention

    Publication | 24-02-2022

  6. Summary advisory report Risk assessment in the application of criminal law

    Publication | 14-02-2022

  7. Summary advisory report adolescent criminal law

    Publication | 22-11-2021

  8. Summary of the advisory report Jeugdbescherming in de toekomst

    Publication | 29-10-2021

  9. Summary of the advisory report 'Short-term Detention in Focus'

    Publication | 29-10-2021

  10. Summary of the advisory report on the amendments of the Regulations on Model House Rules of Penitentiary Institutions

    Publication | 14-09-2021